Thursday, April 19, 2007


Yes, it's about dang time too. Heather's water broke around 5pm monday, and she immediately started having contractions. At about 7 I started timing them, and they got close enough to warrant a trip to the hospital.
Upon arriving, they were around 3 min apart avg. Heather did very well, and labor for roughly 23 hours. She only got to about 3cm by this point, and things weren't looking good. Baby was fine, Heather was fine, but no progress.
We discussed options, and decided on Petosin. Starting off at the smallest increment, and graudally increasing, Heather labor for another 5 hrs, only to increase to 4cm. At this point, we started to worry, as we had reached our 24 hour mark after ROM, and Heather had developed a fever. Instead of giving up, we gave Heather anti-biotics, and ordered an Epidural. Once complete, we hoped it would 'relax' her enough to make progress. And we were dissapointed to find out that after 2 or so more hours, only 5cm.
Once again, we discussed our options and prayed, and decided that with all the curcumstances, the only option left was C-section. So they changed the type of epidural, and wheeled her out. I was able to sit in, and help "push" baby out, take pictures, and even carry our new arrival to the nursery while heather was finishing up. Shortly there-after, I arrived in the hallway to the birth team with our beautiful new baby GIRL.
Her name is GABRIELLE ELISABETH, and she is perfect in every way. She arrived at 7lbs 8.5 oz, and 21 inches long, with a little bit of brown-ish hair. I gave her the first bath, and eager on-lookers peered through the nursery window.
Everyone eventually went home to catch up on rest, and Heather sat in recovery for about an hour, where she fed Gabrielle for the first time :) Every thing went far off course from our original birth plan, but we couldn't have asked for a happier ending.
I would like to thank all the ladies helping me and Heather through out all this. In no particular order, Sandi, Sandra, and Miriam. 3 SUPER women who this would have been next to impossible to complete withouth their help. Heather and I love you very much and thank you for all that you did, and continue doing.
I would also like to thank Phill, for his prayers, and quick organization of people to pray for us during this difficult time. Phill's words touched my heart as he said, "this is the best part. This is eternal life you are participating in. God has allowed you to help him create an eternal soul. Every thing on earth we touch or make will wither and die and be lost forever. But when you make a baby, god is allowing you to make a person who will live forever." Thank you for that, and for sharing your wisdom with us.
And thank you finally, to all who prayed for us, or thought about us, or visited us, or wished us well, your support made things that much easier. (unfortunately, there is a problem posting pictures, so that will have to wait untill a later date....SOON I promise)


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