Monday, April 30, 2007

At Home with Gabrielle

Well, we haven't killed her yet, and nobody has come to take her away, so I guess she's really ours:) We have overcome the nightly gas trouble with Mylicon drops (thank you God for that miracle stuff) and she generally only wakes up once a night to eat and goes right back to sleep. She makes up for it by taking an hour and a half or so to go to sleep and eating every hour and a half in the morning...but Daddy gets to sleep all night and not be a zombie at work, so it's all good:)

It's hard to do a whole lot, so I'm sorry about taking so long to update and post pics...but we'll get the hang of this routine eventually. There have been some wonderful souls coming out to stay with me while I'm healing and that has been a life saver. And I never knew that having dinner made for you was something that would make such a huge difference, but it really does!

It's still amazing that we are actually parents, but I guess it will eventually sink in. Danny is a truly amazing father...which I knew he would be, but he has far surpassed my expectations. He is also EXTREMELY protective of me and a great caregiver. I didn't change a single diaper until Gabrielle was a week old! He is definitely one of a kind and I am completely blessed to have him as my partner.

So, Gabrielle makes the most amazing faces while she's trying to fight falling asleep...and she looks just like her Daddy while she poops:) The very best is when she finishes nursing and is all content and sleepy and she grins. I'm sure she's not aware of what she's doing...but it is just as beautiful all the same. Perhaps eventually I'll be able to get a picture of that to share, but for now, I'll enjoy it as mommy's special blessing. I'll attempt to post a few new pics and hopefully I'll be able to update a little more regularly as we adjust and I get better from the C-section and require less naptime. Until then, enjoy:)


Anonymous said...

that's the funniest little comment i've ever heard! yall are crazy, but i'm glad everything is going well for you both. Love~Kristen

Philip said...

You've GOT to get a pooping Danny face picture... of Gabrielle... not of danny.

HAM said...

Alright Philip, we'll make a post just for you:)