Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fun from Tuesday

So, yesterday we got the crib delivered and set up! It is so beautiful and goes great with our room decor. That was really neat since it is a hand me down crib and we never saw it before choosing the other stuff...but it fits perfectly! Dad and Danny got it all set up in the room while Mom and I worked on the puzzle that we are putting together to hang up in Deather's room. I washed all the linens in my Dreft sample pack, so I'll be putting all the cute lamb stuff together and hanging the crib mobile when I get home today. If all goes well, there should be some pictures this week:)

Now...funny story. I was resting when Danny got home yesterday ... and I've been wearing his boxers lately because they just feel better than any underwear I've procured for this pregnancy. He was teasing me about stretching out the waist band, so I argued that they were made for 38-40 according to the tag. He said he thought I was definitely bigger than 40 ... so I of course had to measure the belly then. He was right...45.5" around!!! How scary is that!?!?! And I'm not done yet! That'll teach me to open my big mouth!

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