Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Brie's Vocabulary

Since I am basically using this as a reference for when I can sit down and document in her baby book...I suppose that it would be a good idea to document that she's learning to communicate effectively. She knows what she wants and will shake her head no if we don't give her the right thing. She says Mi for milk, otherwise we work off trial and error for food. She says Momma and Daddy, baby, uh-oh, puppy for skoshi and she actually says Lacey.
She is getting to be quite good at crawl tag around the island in Grammy's kitchen and she will play peekaboo forever with us, with herself in the mirror, with her baby or a stuffed animal. She even tries to say it...mostly it ends up as just boo. It's so much fun to have her interacting so well and it's just incredibly amazing to see how much changes from day to day. We expect her to walk any day now, but we're definitely not pushing it:)

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