Saturday, July 07, 2007

Motor Skills Vroom Vroom!

So, it has been a big week for us! Gabrielle has learned to recognize and hit the toys on her bouncy seat, hold and shake and "eat" a rattle, and she has actually giggled for her first times. What a busy little bug! I've been so excited and just playing and playing with her. First baby giggles are so adorable! And with a digital camera ever at hand, we've been able to capture many of these first moments. I was in the kitchen loading the dishwasher when I saw that Miss Brie had discovered her bouncy seat toys. It was so cool, and I watched her for a while. Then I turned back around to finish what I was doing and I heard the music from it. I turned back around and saw that her little hand was wrapped around the ring and she had pulled it for music! She's only done it that once, but it was so great to be there and watch her discover these things. She also was able to follow the sounds of the toys on her swing tray. She gets a little scared by these sounds if they catch her off guard though. We'll have to wait a bit for the swing to become a friend for her. I just had to share all the new and exciting discoveries!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhh how pretty