Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Gabrielle is 2 months old!

So, we went to the pediatrician today and put the poor girl through a lot of torture. She has grown, but she's still pretty little for her age. I told the doc that it's because she comes from a long line of Irish midgets:) Brie weighs 10.15 lbs and is 221/2 inches long, which puts her in the 50th percentile for her age. She's quite alert and responsive to tons though...nosey the doc says:) She had her shots today, so she's been sad and fussy. It was heart wrenching. I'm also a bit annoyed by the mixture of vaccines. I wanted her to get some of them, but they mix them in such a way that she gets things she doesn't need...like Hep B. I mean seriously...why does a baby need a shot for that when Danny and I don't have it and she doesn't have sex or use IV drugs. But they mix it with DPT and Polio which you totally want your kid to have. Grrrr.

Danny had a beautiful first Father's Day. We had a nice family day at my parents and he and Joey even got to go hike while Brie was napping. Then we got some nice Father's Day pics:) Joey had a bit too much fun with the camera though.
We are hoping to head to Charleston this weekend. Maybe this short road trip will work out better than the last foiled plan. We are starting in the AM which is usually a nice peaceful time for Brie, so stay tuned for updates from our potential adventure.

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