Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Love and Happiness

Well, within the past month Brie has grown so much, both physically and cognitively. She is saying TONS of words (too many to list) and signing with her video before they do the sign or even say what it is...she recognizes so many things by sight. She is loving and snuggly all of a sudden and hugs and kisses us and her animals and the couch:) She is hilarious! She goes to bed without arguing most of the time and asks to go night night when she's really tired. She will ask for a bath and for food. It's truly amazing.

We got a little pool for her that she has been having a ball in.

At mom and dad's she has taken a couple of baths in it since they have a privacy fenced yard. She ran around the yard trying to pick Grammy's flowers and tomatoes while I was weeding one day. She kept calling the tomatoes apples though:) At least she knows how to say apple!
Last week when she was at preschool she puked all over the classroom. I hate that for her preschool teachers, but I am SO glad that I didn't have to witness it. She is not a puker so I actually have never seen her do more than cough up a little phlegm or gag and spit up. Well, since I was planning a walk on the dam, she got to go with me and she and Micah had a BALL riding in their strollers together. They were passing things back and forth and he was sharing snacks with her. When we stopped for the photo session, he noticed that she was unbuckled on one side so he fixed it for her. It was TOO adorable!
This weekend has seen many injuries for the feisty little babe. She was running away from me when I was going to change her diaper and she fell and landed her head on the nice oak trim of the couch that you see behind her. Luckily she's young and she heals quickly but you can see the gorgeous battle bruise on her head. She does enjoy being a "chair"potato and watching her Baby Einstein or Noggin. She's got the pose down:P