Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More Talking!

We've had an exciting week with Brie. It started on Sunday morning at Grammy's house. We always have coffee and Grammy says "ahhh" after she takes her first sip. Well all day Sunday whenever one of us took a drink of anything Brie would say "ahhh" and giggle. She's been watching us when we pray and after we're done she looks around at all of us and says, "men". Along with the "ahh" after the coffee...Grammy actually let her taste some and she liked it so much that Grammy put coffee (with MUCH creamer) in her sippy cup! She downed it. I guess she's following the tradition:)

Monday she had her checkup and got 3 shots. She's 29 inches tall and weighs 19 lbs 11 oz. The doc is quite pleased with her and the only warning I had was that those frustrated with their lack of communication skills tend to be biters. YIKES! But the good news is that once she learns to talk that stops. Hopefully she'll learn to talk before she gets frustrated enough to bite!

She had a big day on Monday though...she ate a fresh tomato straight from Grammy's garden (with salt of course)! She also was being a booger. She pulled the air freshner from it's socket in the kitchen and handed it to her Grandpa. He asked her if she was being bad and she looked from the socket back to him and said "Bad Girl".

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Brie at the Zoo

We had a great time with Brie at the zoo on monday. She got to see most of the animals and she was totally enamored with the aquarium building. She even petted a goat:) So, we took pictures of her expressions and then what she was looking at. Check it out.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

New Each Day

So many things are happening that I haven't had time to keep up with posting. We took Brie to the beach, the pool, visit family in TN and MO for Memorial Day and tomorrow we plan to take her to the zoo. She is AMAZING. Her walk has quickly become closer to a run and she is trying desperately to talk. She started saying Bye to everyone and she has a little southern accent so it comes out sounding like Bah. She also tries to say see ya later. It comes out a bit garbled but it's clear enough that you know what she's trying to say. She has been making her bible and trying to "read all about Jesus" with her little finger in her hand. She of course has the YEAH (clap) part down. She picked out her own clothes, jammies and Jellies sandals at Walmart when we were shopping with Grandmom. She was floored. She said if she hadn't seen Brie doing that with her own eyes she would have never believed it. I have tons of pictures to add to this post so check back. She played in the sandbox with her cousins and had quite the big time. And she tried walking Tippy (great grandparents dog). I'll add more after the zoo trip, but I just didn't want to forget to mention stuff.