Monday, February 18, 2008

Go Milk!!

We are trucking along here. No walking yet, but still much standing. She is looking so much older though...I don't really know how that works. I talked to one of her doctors and then decided to start her on soy milk yesterday. She LOVES it! She drank a whole sippy cup full on her own in the car last night. She was just sucking it down. She likes it SO much better than formula and it lasts longer than 72 hours once opened. This will totally make things easier. She doesn't nurse during the day, but she wasn't getting any milk other than what she got in her yogurt once a day. So, now she can drink milk again.

She is totally a jabber box now too. She "talks" incessantly with voice inflection and facial expressions and everything. It is incredibly adorable! She got a little chair called Baby Jamz that lets her "mix" some nursery rhyme hip-hop songs with sound effects. She and Walker have a blast with the chair.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

We've been ill, but all is well

It's been a sick couple of weeks here in Lexington. Hopefully our house is through with it. Luckily we only had colds...but bronchitis, pneumonia, strep throat and the flu are all running rampant.

Through her cold Baby Brie has continued to learn tons of things and she's grown up so much in such little time! She says Uh-oh now...ALL the time. It's incredibly adorable. She has this new thing where she shakes her head from side to side grinning uncontrollably. And then there's the matter of standing. She has been standing almost non-stop for 3 days!

She even has me put her down into a standing position and then she sits down on her own. The end is near I'm afraid!:)

The other thing she's getting good at is eating solids. She was sitting on her Grammy's lap last night while her Grammy was eating some bread. She took both hands and grabbed the arm that had the bread attached and pulled it down to her mouth to try to bite it. It was hilarious! She's very determined to eat solid foods:) She can actually eat her Teething biscuits now too. It's quite messy, but she enjoys it.

We also decided that there are too many times little Miss Brie needs to be contained, so we got her a "pen" as her daddy calls it. That way she can crawl around or walk around and play without getting into bad stuff. It makes our lives a whole lot easier!

We also reached another benchmark...I spent a weekend without her! She stayed with Grammy and Grampa since her Daddy was sick. They had a big time playing and snuggling since she wasn't feeling her best.

And...I didn't even cry! So, when we went to the doctor right before I left to make sure I wasn't leaving a dying kid :) she weighed in at 17 1/2 lbs. They didn't measure her length, which I'm sure is changing daily because her little chubby thighs are thinning out.

She still loves to play with Walker. Now that they're both well, they seem very happy to be reunited. She seems more on the same level as him now too. It's pretty cool to watch!